
One fine spring, freelance writer and book author Lisa Bendall set out to do 50 good deeds in 50 days. Why? She wanted to prove that it doesn’t take a lot of time, energy or money to make a difference. Guess what? It doesn’t. And the bonus: It was a life-changing experience for Lisa and her family. Lisa has chronicled her journey in both Canadian Living and Reader’s Digest magazines, and continues to write about random kindnesses to spread the word. Please read this award-winning blog to find out more about making the planet a better place, whether it’s in your own corner or on the other side of the world. Even the most modest act of kindness has the potential to make a great difference.

17 responses to “About

  1. Hi Lisa: A terrific blog! Wonderful!
    For many years, I’ve tried to live my life giving back and I enjoy doing random acts of kindness simply because I need so much help myself.
    I no longer walk and my hands are extremely weak so I need help with things like getting dressed and opening or picking up things…even pulling up my slacks after I use the toilet. My husband is always there. He cooks, he cleans, does the shopping and keeps the house together plus everything else needed to make a house a home.
    To honor what he does for me, I give my life to others who are living with disabilities and my progressively debilitating neuromuscular condition: Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Even though I now type with the knuckles of my little fingers, I write a regular newspaper column on disability issues and have for 14 years. I’m learning Dragon Dictate. I also freelance and keep a blog with plenty of the photos I delight in taking at http://www.lindacrabtree.wordpress.com where I put myself and how I live with my disease, and the chronic neuropathic pain that accompanies it, out there for anyone interested.
    Because I am so interested in Universal Design and Visitability, for the past eight years I’ve run another website at AccessibleNiagara.com for tourists who are disabled to enjoy our lovely Niagara. This site is extremely detailed and every venue on it has been audited by myself and my colleague.
    I may be unable to walk, I may have a variety of other disability issues but that doesn’t mean I can’t give of myself and do as much as I possibly can for others. My motto is: “Thank you God for one more day to do the best I can with what I have left.”

  2. Welcome to this website, Linda! I know from firsthand experience that those of us who receive lots of help from others do feel more balanced when we’re giving back… your message is proof of that. Life gets heavy sometimes, but it’s often the people around us who lighten the load.

  3. Pingback: The Case of Citizen Stealth | 50 Good Deeds

  4. Hi Lisa

    I have to say, I’m extremely impressed with your project, and its potential to turn small changes into big changes. It really strikes a chord and highlights a shifting mindset.

    Myself and a couple of ex-colleagues have spent the last 18 months developing a peer-to-peer ‘goodwill’ network, called icancanu.com, where friends, family and acquaintances can request help from each other, and in a pay-it-forward sense, there is no expectation of getting a favour in return, only that sometime, someone will help them back.

    There’s clearly a critical mass occurring in this space, and we’re very excited to see a movement beginning to emerge as the site gains momentum.

    Anyway, we’d be delighted if you could check out the site, and share your thoughts with us (if you get a chance).

    Kind regards,


  5. Hi Tony, thanks for writing, and congratulations on your new venture. I love the spirit in which it’s been created, and I look forward to seeing how it catches on. Please keep me on your press list!
    Best wishes,

  6. Pingback: in the press: Toronto

  7. Hi Lisa,
    I came across your blog while doing research for a documentary and I absolutely LOVE it! I am working on outreach for a documentary entitled American Bear: An Adventure in the Kindness of Strangers that documents the experiences of a couple who travelled around the country for 60 days relying on the kindness of strangers for a place to stay each night. It was a brilliant experiment that sheds a much needed light on the subject of kindness done to and by strangers in America.
    I would love it if you checked out the website and let us know what you think! We would be honored to mention your project on the site or have you mention us here? The website is AmericanBearFilm.com
    Let me know if you are at all interested! Thank you for your amazing blog šŸ™‚

  8. Hi Hari, thanks for pointing me towards this film! I checked out the trailer and website, and it looks like a fascinating project and wonderful idea. Yes, you’re absolutely welcome to mention my project on your site. Keep me posted on doc news!

  9. Pingback: In the press: Toronto / 50GoodDeeds

  10. Hi Lisa

    I came across your blog while doing some research on good deeds. It is absolutely wonderful!
    I host an internet radio show and talk about doing good deeds. We have a saying in Hindi that “to do a good deed one doesn’t need to seek permission” and you are a shining example of this!

  11. Hi Lalitha, great to hear from you and thanks for the comment! Congrats on your radio show – keep it up. Love when these conversations happen worldwide.

  12. Thanks Lisa. Its great to know that there are so many good Samaritans out there across the world. Can I mention your blog on my show?

  13. Of course! I’m honoured. Thanks, Lalitha!

  14. You are welcome. My pleasure! Maybe one of these days you can be part of my show. You can participate using skype and the show is partly in English šŸ™‚

  15. nice

  16. What a fantastic blog and project you have. I wanted to share an idea I came up called the Good Mojo Project. The idea of the Good Mojo Project is to give a flood of positive messages and posts to one person a day who needs a pick-me-up (like when it is your birthday on Facebook). With enough people buying-in, it would be an amazing experience to see all that support and good energy being directed towards them when they are having a hard time.

    What do you think of this idea? Would you be open to sharing the page below and getting more people on board to send the messages?


    Thanks for checking this out!

  17. Hi Patrick, congratulations on your initiative! I am always happy to see new ideas and ways for supporting each other positively! Good luck with your project.

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